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Serge Haber’s Testimony on the Holocaust

Cерж Хэйбер выступал перед студентами в Ванкуверском центре по изучению Холокоста на 38ом Ежегодном.

Симпозиуме, посвящённом Холокосту (май 1-2, 2013 at UBC).

Свидетельские показания Сержа были информативными, наглядными и поучительными. Аудитория, состоявшая из учащихся старших классов школы, принадлежавших к разным этническим группам, очень внимательно его слушала. Ему было задано много вопросов и порой разгорались споры, дискуссии.

Этот видеофильм состоит из 4х частей:

Serge Haber addressed students at the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre during its 38th Annual Symposium on the Holocaust (May 1 – 2, 2013 at UBC).

Serge’s testimony was informative, graphic and enlightening. The audience of high school students from various ethnic populations was totally absorbed. Many questions were asked, and much discussion ensued.

The video consists of 4 parts:

Часть1: Вступление/Introduction

Serge Haber’s story begins in the city of Yash, Romania. It is June 29th, 1941, the day of his Bar Mitzvah. At 6 am the nightmare started. In  this video Serge describes the fear and terror of what happened over the next 7 days and what he witnessed.

Часть2: Иллюзорные поезда/Phantom Trains

Phantom trains as witnessed and experienced by his Uncle and two cousins. The box cars were loaded with Jews who had been driven from their homes to the railroad station. This nightmare trip lasted 7 days and 7 nights.

 Часть3:Вопросы/Questions (Q&A)

Serge answers the students’ questions about his family’s escape, about the situation of the Jews who remained in the town, and about the politics and power struggles of that period.

 Часть4:Глядя в будущее/Looking to the Future

Serge tells of leaving Romania, the long journey from country to country to finally arrive in Canada in 1950.   He expresses his hopes for the future and his wish that the students continue to learn about the Holocaust  and fight against anti-Semitism  and a repetition of the  Holocaust.